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Bounce Back is a free program providing resources and services to individuals experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression, low mood or stress, with or without anxiety. The program offers telephone coaching in a series of self-help modules along with a DVD called BounceBack* Today. The coaching program can be accessed by referral from family physicians’ offices everywhere in British Columbia. Individuals who prefer to work on their own can use the online program to learn at their own pace. A referral is not required to access the online program.
The video and coaching program are available in English, French, Mandarin, and Cantonese, and coaching is available in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese and Punjabi. To find out more about Bounce Back* seniors are encouraged to talk to their family doctor.
Services available in: Vernon, Armstrong, Enderby, Lumby, Cherryville, Falkland, Westside
Tel: 1 866 639-0522
Tel: 250.545.0585
Email: [email protected]
102-3201 30th Street, Vernon BC V1T 9G3
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