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The Family Caregivers of British Columbia strives to improve the quality of life for family and friend caregivers through support, information, education and leadership. The not-for-profit society was established in 1989. Provincial services include a toll-free Caregiver Support Line, 1:1 support for complex situations, access to caregiver resources and support groups, assistance with health system navigation, caregiver webinars, monthly e-news, quarterly newsletters and a comprehensive website of caregiver information. All services are free.
Services available in: Vernon, Armstrong, Enderby, Lumby, Cherryville, Falkland, Westside
Tel: 1 877 520-3267
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 250.545.0585
Email: [email protected]
102-3201 30th Street, Vernon BC V1T 9G3
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